Join With PACT

Together we can forward the mission as an innovative leader in best-practice solutions for community-based criminal justice,

Volunteer Opportunities

Historically, PACT has been able to pursue our mission and grow our services largely though aggressive efforts to earn grants and take advantage of government programs. With these sources in more demand and less available than ever due to the present economic climate, we can use your help.

Employment Opportunities

PACT employs both full-time and part-time professionals with a variety of educational backgrounds. Check the position listings below to see if you’re ready to join our team.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Porter County PACT is hiring directly at this time. Follow this link for more details.
Porter County PACT Hiring Opportunity

Follow this link to check our employment opportunities!

PACT Indeed

Our Application for Employment is available here.


At PACT, we maintain a commitment to providing training and education to our next generation of case managers, field officers, and group facilitators. Please check the links below for information on each site’s internship program.

Our Internship Application is available here.

Community Partnerships

Our community partners help expand the services available to help clients. Please see the links below for community partner resources.